I'm a huge fan of re-purposing clothing. When an item from my wardrobe gets tired and I find myself not wearing it, I think about ways that I can reuse it. A sexy silk top can easily be turned into a sassy pillow. A skirt that has seen better days can be hacked into a cute top for one of my girls. A sweater that has accidentally been shrunk (hubbbby!) can be chopped down into a pair of cute toddler legwarmers and a matching vest. I love bringing new life to something that might otherwise be headed to dumpsville, so when my friend Kate approached me asking for my expertise, I was PUMPED!
The Dilemma:
During their annual spring cleaning, both Kate and hubby Marc decided to pare down the items in their closet. They decided to make a pile of items that haven't worn in over a year. To Marc's shock he had over 20 dress shirts alone that had gone unworn! (Way more than Kate's 12!) Since most of Marc's dress shirts were in great condition she felt bad throwing them out and was wondering if there was a way to re-purpose them. I practically jumped all over her!
The Solution: The Perfect Summer Dress