I love coffee. More than the average person, I think. It all started about a year ago when Hubs came home with a Keurig. Since then I've been known to describe my day by how many cups; e.g. "Oh god, it's definitely gonna be a three-cupper." Life for me is all around better when there is coffee to be had, yet every time I pop a K-cup in the machine I feel a pang of guilt at how wasteful they are! I feel like the convenience of them isn't worth the damage and waste.
For months now I've been trying to think of ways to re-use them. I even googled "K-cup crafts" and found like 10 blogs dedicated to saving and reusing K-cups in a crafty way, but ALL of them had only one blog post saying something along the lines of "I hate the waste of K-cups and decided to start a blog showing all the crafts you can do with them." and then NOTHING! So I dug deep into my {mommy mush} brain and found quite a few ideas. The first one I did was a SMASH! The kids absolutely love it!
Sound Memory Game!